Quick Start Integration


The Fyndiq Quick Start Integration is a quick and easy way to automatically upload and update products to Fyndiq.
To use this solution, all you have to do is put together a very basic CSV file with all the products you would like to sell on Fyndiq.
This file should be put on a web server and should automatically be updated to always show the latest stock numbers and prices.
Fyndiq will read the file on a regular basis to import new products, update existing products (and their stock values and prices) and delete products which are no longer included in the CSV file.

If you should later decide to build a full integration with Fyndiq (to add more information to your products and also import orders), the Fyndiq Quick Start Integration is a good basis for further development.

Sounds good? Great!
Too technical? You still have the possibility to upload your products manually through the Merchant Pages.

Below you can find some basic instructions on how the Fyndiq Quick Start Integration has to be created.
To get started even more quickly, there is also a CSV template available here.

Get started

Here are the steps required to get your Fyndiq Quick Start Integration running. Please do not hesitate to contact us along the way at seller@fyndiq.com if need be.

  1. Sign up on the merchant pages.
    Contact our merchant support so they can help you setting your account in test mode.

  2. Create your Fyndiq Quick Start Integration CSV file as described below.

  3. Log in to your account and generate an API v2 token in the Settings/API section.

  4. Test your CSV file with the Feed Checker located at the bottom of the Settings/API section.
    If the file is not valid, the test will indicate where the error(s) are. Once the file is complete and valid, you can go on to the next step.

  5. Make your CSV file available on a public URL (e.g. by uploading it on a web server) and make sure that the file is updated with the latest stock values and prices regularly.

  6. Save the URL of your Fyndiq Quick Start Integration CSV file in the Settings/API section.

  7. Wait until the products appear in your Fyndiq Merchant Account. This might take up to 30min.

  8. Check if the products look as they should. If they do, please contact Merchant Support, so that your account can be switched to live mode.

Congrats! Your products are online and for sale on Fyndiq.

Basic concepts


CSV is a widely used text format for exchanging tabular data. Our feed reader recognizes feeds following the below format rules:

  • Encoding must be UTF-8
  • The first row must be a header, defining the name of each column
  • Rows must be separated by a newline character (\n)
  • Columns must be separated by a comma (,)
  • Fields with embedded commas, double-quote characters or line breaks must be quoted
  • Embedded double-quote characters must be represented by a pair of double ­quote characters (""example"")

Data rows

Each row in your CSV file represents one article, which is a single selling unit on Fyndiq.
Several articles can be grouped into one product, all sharing the product fields or attributes.

A simple example would be a dress, which the merchant sells in different colors.
Each color in this example is an article and the dress itself is the product.

Note that all the articles for the same product must have the same price. If your articles have different prices, please do not group them into a product.

Data columns - Feed fields

In this Quick Start guide we focus on the main product attributes, so all the below fields are required for the feed to be successful.
Please note that there are more fields and product attributes available in a full version of the feed.


Unique identifier for every single product.
The main purpose of this field is to group separate articles in one product.
Articles with the same product­_id will be grouped on Fyndiq and use the first article's price.
If articles are not supposed to be grouped (different prices), please use a different product­_id for each article.


Name of the product.


Product description must not contain any markup (e.g. HTML).


Market where the product is sold at. Only market supported is Sweden (SE).


Must be 'SEK' since Sweden is the only market.


Product price as it will appear on the Fyndiq website.
The price must include all taxes and must be lower or equal to product­-old-price.


The standard product retail price as it appears on the merchant's website.


The VAT percentage for the product. Supported values are 6, 12 or 25 for Sweden.


Publicly available URL for the product image ­ JPG or PNG, minimum size 200x200px.


Unique identifier for the product image. When the content of this field is changed, the image on Fyndiq will be updated.


Unique article identifier. Please note, that the Article SKU has to be unique within your CSV file.


The current quantity in stock for the article. The quantities must always be kept up-to-date.


Name of the article contains the unique attribute that differentiates that article from the others in the same product.

Field types and constraints

Summary of the required fields and their constraints

Column Description Type Example
product-id Unique identifier for product String (1-32 characters) 4711
product-title The product title String (5-64 characters) Adidas soccer ball
product-description Product description in plain text String (10-4096 characters) This is an amazing soccer ball.
product-market Two letters country code for the country in which the product will be sold SE SE
product-currency Three letter currency code for the product prices SEK SEK
product-price Final product price on Fyndiq, including VAT. Dot used as decimal separator Decimal 199.50
product-oldprice Product price on merchant's website including VAT. Dot used as decimal separator Decimal 299.50
product-vat-percent VAT percentage applied for the product price Integer: 6, 12 or 25 for Sweden 25
product-image1-url URL to product image String, valid URL http://img.example.com/p8328-a.jpg
product-image1-identifier Unique image identifier String (1-42) ac33443422ee
article-sku Unique article SKU String (1-64) 2388BB-322
article-quantity Stock quantity for the article Non-negative Integer (0-100000) 42
article-name Name of the article String (1-30) Small

Feed Sample

In this sample we have two products and four articles:

  • Product 1 (Case for Iphone) with 1 variation
  • Product 2 (High heels) with 3 variations (3 sizes)
1,"Case for ""iPhone 6 Plus"" thin and transparent",Transparent and ultra-thin case for iPhone 6 Plus,SE,SEK,99.50,120,25,https://cdn.fyndiq.se/product/61/81/1a/0e3dfa796d6074368b4e342aa0f856c26a/original.png,342aa0f856,CIPHONETR,100,transparent
2,High heels blue,Brand new and trendy design,SE,SEK,180.50,200,25,https://cdn.fyndiq.se/product/60/48/64/2fa6f0e92636edd142b1477 ea7ec17df31/original.png,ea7ec17df31,SHOES39,10,Size 39
2,High heels blue,Brand new and trendy design,SE,SEK,180.50,200,25,https://cdn.fyndiq.se/product/60/48/64/2fa6f0e92636edd142b1477 ea7ec17df31/original.png,ea7ec17df31,SHOES40,12,Size 40
2,High heels blue,Brand new and trendy design,SE,SEK,180.50,200,25,https://cdn.fyndiq.se/product/60/48/64/2fa6f0e92636edd142b1477 ea7ec17df31/original.png,ea7ec17df31,SHOES41,2,Size 41


Your products must be assigned a category in order to be visible on our website. An easy way to do so is to log in to your pages and add them on the product level. There is also the possibility to update products by batches.

The categories reflects the menus on Fyndiq.se.
Should you wish to develop a more advanced integration at a later stage, please note that the categories from your web shop can be added to the product feed and mapped to Fyndiq’s categories.


I am selling T-shirts; and each T-shirt is sold in different colors. How do I properly export my products?

Export all color variations as articles in consecutive rows, which have the same product-id but different color names for the article-name.

I'm selling products without variations. How should my feed look like?

Note that you still have to provide all fields. Make sure every product has a unique product-id. You can use part of the product-title as the article-name (up to the 30 character). article-sku and article-quantity become values for the product. See an example of a feed with two products with no variation below:

1,"Case for ""iPhone 6 Plus"" thin and transparent",Transparent and ultra-thin case for iPhone 6 Plus,SE,SEK,99.50,120,25,https://cdn.fyndiq.se/product/61/81/1a/0e3dfa796d6074368b4e342aa0f856c26a/samsung.png,342aa0f856,CIPHONETR,100,transparent
2,"Case for ""Samsung S6"" thin and transparent",Transparent and ultra-thin case for Samsung S6,SE,SEK,99.50,120,25,https://cdn.fyndiq.se/product/61/81/1a/0e3dfa796d6074368b4e342aa0f856c26a/iphone.png,377bb0f987,CSAMSUNGTR,100,transparent

I have more than one image for each product. Can I export all the images?

You can use up to 50 images for each product. You simply need to add ‘’’product-image’’’ fields to your feed. If you want to add three pictures the feed will look as follows:



CSV file

Comma-separated values is a text file format for tabular data. The format follows several simple rules and is easy to work with.


Stock keeping unit is the unique identifier for each article. All SKUs must be unique, within a merchant’s feed.
It is considered a bad practice to reuse SKUs for discontinued products.


Article (sometimes called variation or combination) is the selling unit which can actually be bought by a customer.
Articles must have a unique SKU.


A product is a container for one or more articles.
Articles belonging to a single product usually differ by one or more attributes e.g. different sizes for a pair of shoes or different colors for a T­-shirt.
All articles contained in a product must have the same Fyndiq price.

Published: 18 October 2023